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Neutrogena SkinClearing Blemish Concealer

Read 3 Reviews

Best make-up purchase I've ever made


My skin went completely haywire about a year ago (cystic acne haywire) and I couldn't for the life of me find anything that would reduce the number of breakouts or cover them up. Every concealer I tried just caked on and no acne products seemed to clear my skin up. Somehow I found this concealer one day and decided to try it. Not only did it cover my acne up almost flawlessly, but the blemishes actually did start clearing up. Within a few months of wearing this daily, my skin had gone back to normal. It doesn't always blend seamlessly, but the coverage is very good without being thick and it's saved me from looking woefully unprofessional many times. Any time my skin starts breaking out again, I pull this out of my makeup drawer and within a few days, it's under control again. They're a little pricey, but you can take advantage of drugstore sales and stock up if you know your skin won't be calming down any time soon. And always make sure you dab the product onto your just-washed finger! The packaging is not conducive to cleanliness, so be very wary of that.



good concealer


I recently purchased several neutrogena make-up products as it was time to change out some of my old make-up. I decided to get the Neutrogena Skin-clearing Blemish Concealer. I liked that it contained anti-acne ingredients to help fight the pimples I was trying to cover up. It is easy to use, as you simply twist the bottom piece to allow a bit of concealer to rise to the top. Dab it on each blemish and then go back and blend it in with your skin color with the soft applicator tip. Be careful not to apply too thickly, or it is difficult to cover up the concealer. I follow the concealer with Neutrogena's three-in-one moisturizer, tint, foundation. You can coordinate the tones of the concealer with other products by Neutrogena. Neutrogena is known for being healthy for your skin and actually helps clear up acne and other blemishes. This make-up also washes off easily with a gentle skin cleanser or make-up remover.

Baltimore, MD


This Neautrogena concealer offers good coverage...maybe too good


I recently tried this **Neutrogena SkinClearing Blemish Concealer Light 10 1 ea (Johnson & Johnson). **Overall, I would say I was satisfied with the results I received. I do however feel that the coverage of this product did not work well with the Neutrogena mineral sheers powder foundation that I currently use. This does do the job covering up my blemishes, but it tends to dry very heavy and darker than the original shade. Since this happened (and as referenced in my other reviews) the powder foundation I mentioned above that I use on a regular basis, which provides very sheer coverage, was not able to completely cover this concealer. It left a dark mark where the concealer had been applied and you could tell that a product had been applied underneath. Having said that, perhaps this product would be more useful either being purchased in a lighter shade than you would at first thing you need OR it should be used in combination with a foundtion with better/heavier coverage. I do not have any comment on it's blemish fighting qualities as I did not use it long enough to find out about this aspect.

West Palm Beach, FL


Neutrogena SkinClearing Blemish Concealer

4.0 3
