About Viewpoints

Product Intelligence for consumers, by consumers

Viewpoints has been guiding consumers to make smarter purchase decisions since 2007. The core of our service—built on honest assessments of leading consumer products from more than 250,000 registered members—has made more than 60 million people (and counting) understand how products work, look, and feel before bringing them home.

Shoppers nowadays are looking more and more to consumer reviews for the true story. But how do you know which ones to trust and what all the different points of view add up to? That's where Viewpoints comes in: Our team has worked hard to translate unfiltered, authentic end-user insights into meaningful product intelligence—scores, rankings, and recommendations—that help you connect the dots, tell the difference, and make informed decisions about the products that most affect your daily life.

Here you’ll find:

Product Scores
We score products on a scale of 1-100 and also rate products based on specific features and performance.
Category Rankings
We rank products against each other so you know which ones should be in your consideration set.
Research Lists
While researching, users can save their product discoveries for future access on-site and on the go.

So join us in improving the online shopping experience. Because just like you, we are always on the hunt for the next exciting, big (or small) purchase that we will want to tell the whole world about. Go ahead, take a look around and learn how we're striving to make your life a bit easier.

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